Wednesday, November 24, 2010
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Madisonville Officially Open's New City Hall

Madisonville, KY - Madisonville Mayor Will Cox and former Mayor Karen Cunningham welcomed a large crowd of citizens at the ribbon cutting and open house of the new city hall Friday.

The project began with the Cunningham administration when the city discovered the former city hall on E. Center Street was deteriorating and could not be renovated.

The city purchased the new location at the corner of North Main Street and West Arch.  The former Old National Bank was purchased by the city for $900,000.  $150,000 of those funds came from Single Coal Severance Taxes.  The new location features offices of the mayor, city administrator, city clerk, engineering department, codes enforcement, and the community development.

The city began moving in the south section of the building during the fall of 2007.  Old National maintained their main office in the north section until their new facilities were completed this year.  The city completed the final move into the northern section just last month.  Renovation cost $658,000 which was under budget total for the project bringing the total of building purchase and renovations of $1.5 million.  A storage building in the back of the lot was including with the purchase.

Citizens can enjoy conducting all their business with the city including a drive-up window where they can pay their utility bills. 

Mayor Will Cox said, “This is not my building, not the employees building but it belongs to the community.”

Tim Moore - News Director
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