Wednesday, November 24, 2010
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Discounts and FREE Meals for Local Restaurants

Hopkins County, KY – Does the economic crunch have you munching less but paying more? iSurf News has learned of a way locals can get something for nothing (or next to nothing).

Within the past few days after visiting some restaurant websites, this iSurf reporter has received free or discounted meals from the following establishments…


You're probably asking HOW?  All you have to do is Google the name of your favorite restaurant and search their site for coupons or a e-news sign-up.  It took me about 30-40 minutes to sign-up for all of the promotions seen above.  In many cases this is not just a one-time discount or free meal, some sites have stated that they will send me periodic discounts and free food on a monthly basis.  We have found that most big named chains are offering great deals to customers with their websites.  Now that more and more American’s are digging deeper for loose change, restaurants are doing their part to help bail-out consumers.

Gary Gates
iSurf News

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