Wednesday, November 24, 2010
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Letter to the Editor

HOPKINS COUNTY, KY – Local resident and concerned citizen Scott Rogers recently shared his thoughts on three hot topics with Senator Mitch McConnell and Congressman Ed Whitfield. 

Scott Writes:

I have talked to Senator Mitch McConnell’s office, and Congressman Ed Whitfield’s office in Washington D.C.

The three concerns I shared were:

1. Value added tax, also known as a “Vat” tax: I think, and Mr. Whitfield agrees, that the American tax payers have been taxed enough as it is.
∙With the Vat tax, it would impact so many people as it increases taxes in every step of the manufacturing process to the end consumer.
∙The proponents of the Vat tax are promoting it as not as an alternative to our existing tax system, but as an additional tax, at a time when millions of Americans are struggling to find work while our economy is suffering.

2. Regarding first lady Michelle Obama’s recent trip to Spain with a group of her friends: While the White House has stated the First Lady and her friends paid for their own food and lodging, tax payers are still on the hook for the “60” or so rooms which were booked for secret service agents and other government officials at a posh hotel at $600.00 a night for a room.
∙I believe this trip was totally inappropriate.

3. Regarding the Social Security cost of living adjustment (COLA).
∙Mr. Whitfield said in his letter to me, Senior Citizens rely very heavily on social-security-especially given the current state of our economy.
∙It is especially troubling to think Senior Citizens will not see an increase when the federal government has spent billions and billions of dollars bailing out Wall Street, and other financial institutions.

Senator Mitch McConnell’s stated in his letter to me, regarding a proposed $250.00 payment for recipients of Social Security. There was no “COLA” for 2009, and there will be no “COLA” for 2010, and look for no “COLA” for 2011.

Senator McConnell supported a proposal by Senator Burr(R-NC) to provide a $250 payment to Senior Citizens using unspent stimulus funds. Senator McConnell voted for this $250.00 payment on March 3, 2010 but a majority in the Senate defeated it in favor of a version that would needlessly add to our growing debt.

I thank Senator Mitch McConnell and Congressman Ed Whitfield for their time to send these letters to me.

Call Washington D.C. and ask what is going on in D.C. Mr. Whitfield’s phone number is 1-800-328-5629 in Hopkinsville, KY. Senator Mitch McConnell’s phone number is (202)224-2541 in Washington D.C.


Scott Rogers
Madisonville, KY

Posted by Karen Klay Orange - iSurf News


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